Tuesday, 26 October 2010
Summary of Funding to date
Sunday, 24 October 2010
Public Meeting 3 November 2010
We will be holding a Public Meeting on Wednesday 3 November at 7pm at St Giles Church on Camberwell Church Street. The purpose of the meeting is to show the local community what work has been done so far, and to get their input on another matter. The work at Camberwell Baths is progressing well, but there are currently insufficient funds to complete the refurbishment of the Second Class Pool area (the sunken five a side football space), as well as the rear facade and public spaces at the front and rear of the building.
We hope that the Second Class Pool area could be refurbished for use as a multi-purpose space which can be used for a wide range of leisure activities from a pop-up cinema, to performance space for theatre, music and dance, to public debates, to boxing matches (or whatever else the community would like to see). Camberwell Baths were historically used for a wide variety of different activities beyond sport and swimming. This is an opportunity for a return to Camberwell Baths being a Leisure Centre in the widest sense of the term.