Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Report of Public Meeting on 3 November

Camberwell Baths Campaign held a Public Meeting on 3 November at 7pm in St Giles Church on Camberwell Church Street. The Rev. Nick George had kindly made the church available, and made sure that it was warm and welcoming for the 150 attendees. There had been widespread publicity for the meeting , with posters all around Camberwell and emails or phone calls to King’s, the IOP, the Salvation Army, Southwark Pensioners, SE5 Forum, local primary and secondary schools, as well as most local Tenant and Residents Associations. The purpose of the meeting was twofold. First, to update the local community on the latest developments, facilities and planned services at Camberwell Baths; second, to make the case to Southwark Executive Council for funding refurbishment of the Second Class Pool area.

Chris Owen, Chair of Camberwell Baths Campaign, opened the meeting with an impassioned speech about the importance of Camberwell Baths to all members of the local community. He strongly encouraged the Executive Council to carry on the torch of support for refurbishment which had been passed on to them from Harriet Harman MP, and Councillor Lewis Robinson, the former Executive Member for Culture, Leisure, Sport and the Olympics.

Councillor Veronica Ward (Executive Member, Culture, Leisure Sport and the Olympics) made a short speech of thanks to the public for attending the meeting, and her support for all of the work which has been completed to date. Councillor Peter John, Leader of Southwark Council then outlined the current financial restraints but presented his strong hope that funds could be secured from a number of sources in addition to the Capital Programme, such as an Olympic legacy fund.

Jay Yeats (Head of Leisure and Wellbeing) showed the meeting images of the new Camberwell facilities will look like, particularly the new pool, gym and café. In response to a question from the floor about any anticipated delays, Jay assured the audience that the building was still on course to open in February 2011.

Patrick Shelley (Head of Young Peoples Services) explained the new youth facilities which would be available as a result of the £576,000 investment by the Southwark Youth Capital Fund. It is planned that there will be a wide variety of leisure and sport activities happening at Camberwell Baths every day of the week, as well as volunteer training opportunities. The new facilities include a music studio, Juice Bar, as well as training rooms.

Fusion representatives were also present at the meeting, and had details of Fusion membership and class costs for Camberwell Baths, which will be the same cost as those at Dulwich Leisure Centre and Peckham Pulse. Churchill Catering had set up a counter displaying some of the fresh food which will be in the new café, and members of the audience availed themselves of the healthy fruit salads and yogurts as well as the delicious cakes which were provided free of charge.

The Executive Council is meeting at on the 23 November to consider Camberwell Baths’ final application for additional funding of £1.75m to complete the job. This would allow refurbishment of the 5 a side football area, specifically the roof which leaks badly. This area would be then become a multi use space for sports (football, badminton), leisure (music and theatrical performances, pop-up cinema, boxing) as well as other performance, arts and civic events, such as Olympics launch events and public meetings.

We hope that they will consider the strong support from the community of Camberwell for a legacy project which will improve the health and wellbeing of us all.

Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Summary of Funding to date

There seems to be some confusion about the time lines and allocation of funding for Camberwell Baths, so here is the history of what was awarded.

March 2009: £1.4m awarded by central Government's Free Swimming Fund.
May 2009: £1.5m awarded by Southwark Council (match funding), £576K awarded by the Southwark Youth Capital Fund, approx £500K awarded by the Heritage Lottery Fund, approx £500K allocated from section 106 money and other grants
All of the above monies were focused on pool refurbishment and wet side facilities

October 2009: further £500k awarded by Southwark Council to complete the gym and dryside facilities
March 2010: £52K from Cleaner Greener Safer (for Artichoke Place), £100K from London Marathon Charitable Trust (towards Warwick Hall)
October 2010: £50k from Play Sports London Facilities Fund (for gymnastics facilities in Warwick Hall)

The additional funding we are asking Southwark Council to award from the 2010/11 Capital Programmes fund. The funding would allow the completion of Phase 3 and would refurbish the 5 a side football area, specifically the roof which leaks badly. This area would be then be a multi use space for sports (football, badminton etc), leisure (music and theatrical performances, pop-up cinema, other performance arts events) and civic ( Olympics launch events, public meetings).
If the work can be completed in 2011, then Camberwell Leisure Centre will be a fantastic legacy project for the 2012 Olympics.

Sunday, 24 October 2010

Public Meeting 3 November 2010

We will be holding a Public Meeting on Wednesday 3 November at 7pm at St Giles Church on Camberwell Church Street. The purpose of the meeting is to show the local community what work has been done so far, and to get their input on another matter. The work at Camberwell Baths is progressing well, but there are currently insufficient funds to complete the refurbishment of the Second Class Pool area (the sunken five a side football space), as well as the rear facade and public spaces at the front and rear of the building.

We hope that the Second Class Pool area could be refurbished for use as a multi-purpose space which can be used for a wide range of leisure activities from a pop-up cinema, to performance space for theatre, music and dance, to public debates, to boxing matches (or whatever else the community would like to see). Camberwell Baths were historically used for a wide variety of different activities beyond sport and swimming. This is an opportunity for a return to Camberwell Baths being a Leisure Centre in the widest sense of the term.

Funds could be made available from Southwark’s Capital Programme fund, which is intended for just this type of project. We would like to encourage the Executive members of the Council as well as our own local councillors to support the completion of the Camberwell Baths project, rather than leave it half finished. Decisions on allocation of the Capital Programme fund will be made in November or December, so the meeting has been called so that local people will have the opportunity to speak to councillors and voice their support.

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Politicians Sign Manifesto for May 6!

I am pleased to tell you that in advance of the local council elections on May 6, we have now received commitments to the Camberwell Baths Manifesto from the Leaders of all of the three political parties, the Conservatives (Cllr Lewis Robinson) the Lib Dems (Cllr Nick Stanton) , and Labour (Cllr Peter John).
I have included the 5 point manifesto below. As you can see it is modest in its ambitions, but it includes a number of critical items which will improve the access of the Baths' facilities to all members of the community.
Camberwell Baths Manifesto
  1. We will commit to the complete refurbishment of the public realm in Artichoke Place
  2. We will commit to the complete refurbishment of the public realm in Harvey Road
  3. We will commit to the complete refurbishment of the Youth Entrance ( entrance in Harvey Road)
  4. We will commit to the implementation of good quality signage to Camberwell Baths from a variety of major areas, including King's College Hospital and the Institute of Psychiatry
  5. We will commit to putting pressure in the PCTs to implement initiatives for utilizing Camberwell Leisure Centre
Development work at the Baths is going well, and they are still on schedule to open in October 2010.

Thursday, 15 April 2010

Manifesto Pledges

We have written to the leaders of all the parties in the local council elections and asked them to sign up to the following manifesto pledge. Watch this space to see who signs up!

The Camberwell Baths Manifesto Pledge

I pledge that my Party will :

  1. Commit to the complete refurbishment of the public realm in Artichoke Place
  2. Commit to the complete refurbishment of the public realm in Harvey Road
  3. Commit to the complete refurbishment of the Youth Entrance
  4. Commit to the implementation of good quality signage to Camberwell Baths from a variety of major areas, including King's College Hospital and the IOP
  5. Commit to putting pressure in the PCTs to implement initiatives for utilizing Camberwell Leisure Centre

Wednesday, 10 March 2010

Update on Building Progress

The contract commenced November 2009
• Development progressing well, despite recent poor weather conditions
  • Opening due in October 2010
Current Work:
• Phase 1 – wet side development (the pool and new changing rooms)
• Phase 2 – youth facilities
Management and Operations
Additional funds secured, which include:
• Southwark Council Leisure Investment Fund
• Cleaner Greener Safer (£52K)
• London Marathon Charitable Trust (£100K )

New funds will contribute to phase 3 - improving the outside area (Artichoke Place), and upgrade of Dry side facilities